SENIORS SCHEDULE (exam periods highlighted)

Monday, May 23: 4-1-3-2
Tuesday, May 24: 8-5-7-6
Wednesday, May 25: 3-2-1-4
Thursday, May 26: 7-6-5-8
Friday, May 27: 2-4-3-1

ON Wednesday we swapped periods 3 and 1. (C and A for CSW)
On Thursday we swapped periods 7 and 5. (G and E for CSW)

All senior exams will be held in the mornings – CSW seniors have half days. Cab seniors have full days. Seniors will make up any exams needed on Friday, May 27th.

We will allow our seniors to request early dismissals on Wednesday and Thursday of that week since their exams for the scheduled afternoon periods will already have taken place.

Early dismissals will not be permitted on Monday and Tuesday because the scheduled afternoon class periods will not have held exams yet.

Senior graduation rehearsals will be held as follows:

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